Thursday, December 21, 2006

I was not aware that the Kruger park was over two million hectares in size. This is just a small view of the vast expanse. Posted by Picasa

The skull of a buffalo. Posted by Picasa

Wildebeest feeling the effects of the scorching sun.  Posted by Picasa

Wildebeest running to take refuge in the shade of a huge tree. Posted by Picasa

One of many giraffe we encountered. They were rather timid and ran off when they became nervous. Posted by Picasa

Buffalo grazing in a rather huge herd. We were rather close to them so I singled these two out. Posted by Picasa

Hippos cooling off. It was 40 degrees Celcius in the park. 20 Dec 2006. Posted by Picasa

You know its time to leave when the elephants get nervous and look as if they're going to charge.  Posted by Picasa

A male elephant joins the herd. Posted by Picasa

Mother elephant is very protective of her little one. Posted by Picasa

They both watch us wearily and are sooned joined by another mum and baby. Posted by Picasa

Baby elephant joined his mother after noticing the spectators. Posted by Picasa

Soon after the lions we spotted Elephants. Posted by Picasa

A pride of lions cruise along beside the road on our second trip into the Kruger Park. We didn't expect to see them. This was literally shot after five minutes driving into the park. Posted by Picasa

Zebra blending into the foliage. Posted by Picasa

We were rather fortunate this year to have two vacations. The first was at the Drakensburg and this one was at the Kruger Park this week. At the start of our drive into the Kruger National Park, we first encountered these buck. They reminded me of Bambi and a book called The Yearling. Posted by Picasa